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How do you know when a guy likes you : 8 signs he is interested in you

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How do you know when a guy likes you : 8 signs he is interested in you

If you are wondering how you can know when a guy likes you, consider your search to be over, because here are our 8 signs he is interested in you!

You want to get his attention, but you don’t know if he feels the same way? He’s probably attracted to you, but you don’t know it yet?

Here we go with the 8 signs that prove he’s interested in you!

He looks at you with both shyness and complicity

You’re at a party with some friends. He keeps looking at you, slightly uneasy, not really daring looking directly in your eyes,  because he’s kind of afraid. He has a shy look that leaves no space for doubt, he likes you 🙂

He gives you details about himself

It’s not in his habit at all, and yet he confides in you. He even gives you a few unsayable details about his personal life. You’re his confidant of sorts and he trusts you.

He’s curious about your life

Whenever you talk together, he gets that passionate look. You continue talking to him and he loves it. He wishes it would never stop. He’s curious about your life, asks you about your goldfish of your family which he’s never met, and all the while he’s totally rapt in wonder.

He always asks about you

You’re not there. You’re ill, or stuck at work. And he continuously asks about you, he’s worried, he tries by all means to get some news, he speaks with your friends for the first time in case they know something…

Read also : What body language shows a guy in love : 8 body language clues that he’s falling in love

He compliments you

He compliments you about everything. You’ve got new glasses : compliment. New nail polish : kind words (regardless of the fact that he doesn’t know the first thing about makup). You don’t usually attach your hair but decided otherwise today : he has to notice and say something. In fact, if a guy is interested in you, he won’t miss a single change <3

He tracks you on social media

Yes Ladies, that too is proof that he’s interested in you! He tracks you on social media. He often “likes” your pictures. He sends you links that might remind you of the two of you. He wants to know what you were up to last weekend, or with whom you were. I should however recommend to you to make sure that he’s not some kind of psycho haha 😉

He struggles for words

When he talks to you, you don’t always understand everything, some sentences don’t even make sense! Then yes, he’s interested in you 🙂 He just gets a little shy in your presence, you impress him. All he wants is to talk with you, to be close to you.

He can be distant

When a guy is interested in you, he can also become distant, depending on his character. He doesn’t talk to you, he does nothing for you. WORSE : he even gets unpleasant and speaks badly of you to his and your friends and colleagues… But that means he’s  thinking about you, contempt can also be a mark of love… unfortunately!

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